This year marks a momentous occasion for Roy A McDonald Pty Ltd Accountants & Fiducian…
Office re-opening
We advise our office has now re-opened after the extended lockdown & we thank you for your on-going support during this time.
Under Australia’s workplace health and safety laws, Roy A. McDonald, Lindale Insurances & Fiducian are required to do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure the health and safety of our employees within the workplace. COVID-19 vaccinations are an important additional safety measure that will assist our businesses to continue providing a safe and healthy work environment.
In line with current Victorian Government Public Health orders, we require all employees, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, transport drivers, clients and visitors who wish to attend our business office to have had their 2nd dose of COVID19 vaccination. Anyone attending our business office will be asked to provide evidence that they have been vaccinated against COVID 19 in line with these Public Health Orders prior to being granted entry.
Please refer to below requirements for checking in at our office: The COVID-19 digital certificate is the quickest & easiest way to sign in:
- COVID-19 digital certificate using the Service Victoria app
- Download the latest version of the Service Victoria app onto your smart phone from the Apple Store or Google Play
- Open the Service Victoria app on your smart phone (rather than your phone camera)
- Tap the contact tracing check-in button at the bottom of the screen.
- Point your phone at the QR code on the poster until you see it on your screen and wait for the prompts.
- Enter your details and tap “Check-in to this location”. Next time your details will be saved.
- Look for the green tick. You’re checked in!
- COVID-19 digital certificate in a smart phone wallet
- Printed copy of COVID-19 digital certificate or immunisation history statement if you do not have a smart phone
- Australian Immunisation Register certificate
- Medical certificate or a letter from an authorised medical practitioner.
Please refer to attached diagram:
Note you will need to show proof of your vaccination status once you have checked in to our receptionist.
We thank you for playing your part in keeping our employees safe.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office on (03) 9848 5933.
We look forward to seeing you soon.