This year marks a momentous occasion for Roy A McDonald Pty Ltd Accountants & Fiducian…
Post tax time planning
The beginning of a new financial year is a good time to talk to your financial planner about some of the tax effective strategies that suit your situation and assist with your financial future, retirement and savings goals.
The main concept around setting a SMART goal; is to be thoughtful about your goals, make them matter, ensure there is clarity, monitor their progress towards completion. Financial Advisers use this common concept to achieve their client’s goals and objectives.
According to Dr Edwin Locke, individuals who follow this formulation have higher performance in achieving goals than those who set easy goals:
- S – Specific
- M – Measurable
- A – Achievable
- R – Realistic
- T – Timely
Some examples of our client goals are provided below. Please keep in mind, these are examples only and we encourage all individuals to engage with a Financial Planner to discuss the best option for you.
The advantages of putting money into superannuation
- Tax effective growth because you pay less tax on investment earnings inside super (15% as opposed to their marginal tax rate of up to 37%, plus medicare levy of 2%).
- Making a Concessional Contribution may enable you to reduce your PAYG for the year.
- Broader investment opportunities than sitting in cash or fixed interest (term deposit).
- Reduce the amount of tax in retirement to maximise your retirement income.
- With the expert help from a Financial Adviser, you have a structured plan in place to achieve your financial objectives.
Lindale Insurances Pty Ltd ATF Lindale Insurances Trust ABN 27 027 421 832 is a Franchisee of Fiducian Financial Services Pty Ltd, Level 4, 1 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000. AFSL 231103 ABN 46 094 765 134.
The information (including taxation) provided on this website is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances or needs. Do not act until you seek professional advice and consider a Product Disclosure Statement.
The views expressed in this publication are solely those of the author; they are not reflective or indicative of Fiducian. They cannot be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the author.