This year marks a momentous occasion for Roy A McDonald Pty Ltd Accountants & Fiducian…
Rental property video series
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have created some helpful videos to assist you in understanding what your record-keeping obligations are if you own or are investing in a rental property.
The videos include the following:
- An introduction to rental property and tax including:
- Tax tips on owning a rental property
- Record keeping
- What amounts to declare as income
- What expenses to claim as a deduction
- Claiming depreciating assets
- Claiming interest expenses
- Co-owners of a rental property
- Getting repairs and capital works right
- When can you claim a deduction for rental expenses
- Selling your rental property
- Selling a rental property that was your home
- How to include rental income and expenses in myTax
- How to complete myTax when you’ve sold a rental property
For more information, refer to the ATO website or contact or office on (03)9848 5933.