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Staff Christmas Party

  At Roy A. McDonald/ Lindale Insurance we like to let our hair down occasionally. Here is our staff Christmas Party. Left to Right: Mark, Jason, Adrian, Roy, Margaret, and Linda.  We are celebrating a good year and couldn't have…

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November Newsletter 2013

Are you comfortable? Read this. Will you win the lotto or receive a huge inheritance before you retire? We all have this daydream. But for most, that’s all it is – a dream. This month, we’ve included some strategic advice…

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Be Careful Who You Trust

  It seems everywhere you look at the moment there are people and businesses proclaiming the benefits of investing in property using a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF). SMSFs have definitely grown in popularity with property investors, especially since regulations changed…

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Are you dreaming – or dreaming?

Most of us daydream about our retirement. How will you realistically spend your twilight years? Touring the world? Touring the country? Or will you be trapped walking around your own backyard? The reality of your retirement is that it might…

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July 2013 Newsletter

July 2013       What have you put off lately?  Cleaning the gutters? Having your car serviced? The reasons for putting these and many other tasks off are wide and varied. Unfortunately, the risks associated with putting off what may seem simple…

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May 2013 Newsletter

  Welcome to your new easier to read and share newsletter. Our new online monthly newsletter will continue to provide you with latest ideas and advice on your accounting and financial planning.  Our content is to the point, and aims…

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