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Growing your Super

By growing your superannuation you can take steps to make a positive difference to your lifestyle in retirement. If you are, or have been employed, you should make the most of employer’s contributions by: Checking that your employer’s super guarantee…

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Single Touch Payroll

Single Touch Payroll (STP), is an Australian Government initiative to reduce employers' reporting burdens to government agencies. With STP, you report employees' payroll information to us each time you pay them through STP-enabled software. Payroll information includes: salaries and wages…

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Dealing with Redundancy

How you spend your time and money after redundancy can make a difference to your future career and well-being. Find out how to plan for your best outcome. When your time at work comes to an end because of redundancy,…

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FPA Money & Life Tracker

The FPA has commissioned new research, the FPA Money & Life Tracker: COVID edition examining the money & life issues of Australians amid the pandemic. The research reveals two distinct groups of Australians: those who lost income and were forced…

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2020 Federal Budget Overview

The federal budget is always a keenly anticipated event, and with the issues that we’ve been dealing with in 2020, this year’s budget is even more anticipated than most. This year’s budget is estimated to produce a record deficit for…

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ATO guidance in respect of JobKeeper 2

The ATO has finally released its guidance for businesses wanting to receive JobKeeper payments beyond 28 September to 28 March 2021. What remains the same for businesses in JobKeeper 2.0? Businesses already enrolled for JobKeeper before 28 September 2020 do…

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How long will my money last?

The enormous pressure & uncertainty of the global COVID-19 crisis has sparked a financial crisis. Many Australians have had disruption to their income with major industries shutting down. For some, it has also meant job loss. You may be starting…

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Business survival & adaptation package

Third Round of Business Support Fund Grants Grants to support businesses through restrictions Program overview The Victorian Government has announced a third round of the Business Support Fund to provide direct financial support to businesses impacted by restrictions in Victoria.…

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