The transition from a structured work life to retirement can indeed be daunting, despite financial…
January 2017 Newsletter
In this newsletter learn how successful people achieve their goals in 2017 and the 10 items that will disappear in our lifetime.
Roy A. McDonald and the team.
Tax Return Due Date Imminent
As a client of Roy A. McDonald, the due date for tax returns to be lodged is longer than if you lodged your tax returns directly with the ATO. Individuals and Companies lodging their tax returns via the ATO directly were due on the 31st of October. To avoid stress, potential penalties and confusion, we suggest to book in a time here.
If you are Tax Payable, it is best to process your returns now as the ATO are flexible with payment terms.
Six Actions to Stay Laser Focused In 2017
Whatever your vision is for the year ahead, you’ll have to accomplish one thing first: getting your finances in shape. Just a little bit of smart financial goal-setting now might be the difference between realising your dreams and putting them off until next year… or the year after that.
10 Things That Will Disappear In Our Lifetime
Accounting and Financial Planning is changing. The work your accountant did back in the 1990s is no longer what you will see your accountant for in 2017 onwards.
Australia Post, Newspapers, Paper Books are they really going to disappear in your lifetime?
This information (including taxation) is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances or needs. Do not act until you seek professional advice and consider a Product Disclosure Statement.
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